Qianbei Afforestation

Planting native species on barren lands to remove greenhouse gases and contribute to sustainable development goals.

This project—located in Zunyi, a city within the Guizhou province of China—plants native species on barren lands to increase greenhouse gas removal while contributing to local sustainable development goals. It aims to: 

  • Improve soil and water conservation in the Karst region.
  • Generate income and job opportunities for local communities.
  • Sequester greenhouse gas and mitigate climate change.
  • Enhance biodiversity conservation by increasing the connectivity of forests.

​The project has already planted 50,061 hectares of forest on barren and degraded lands that were home to an ecological environment of poor sustainability and karst rocky desertification, where no natural renewal was taking place. The project's implementation has provided 16,339 jobs for local villagers, of whom 70 percent are women.

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Project location

Technology and mechanism

Planting trees in a previously unforested area.
Permanence: 29+ years
The durability of this project is 29 years, based on its crediting period (29 years).
Citation: Page 1 of PDD

Project certifications


Registry ID

Project registration date

Most recent Aug 03, 2020

Crediting period term

Jan 01, 2016 - Dec 31, 2044

Project methodology

Updated Oct 04, 2013
Verified by a CDM multi-stakeholder working group

Project design document (PDD)

Updated May 14, 2020
Verified by TÜV Nord Cert GmbH

Current verifier of project outcomes

Project details

Emissions reduced or carbon removed on an annual basis
708,123 tonnes
How the project approaches risk of reversal
The project mitigates reversal risk through a combination of monitoring and prevention. The initial flat and barren planting area results in a low fire risk during the project's early phase. However, as trees mature around thirty years, the risk may increase. To mitigate, the project proponent will implement necessary fire prevention measures. Additionally, there will be a focus on public education campaigns to raise awareness of forest fire prevention, covering topics such as forest law and fire prevention regulations. There is a potential risk of diseases and insects damaging planted trees. Mitigation measures include routine overseeing to prevent and detect issues. Immediate treatment, primarily through biological control, will be applied upon detection. Chemical pesticides will only be used in accordance with the National Pesticides Policy during serious pest outbreaks. Improper pesticide applications can harm the natural environment, leading to pollution of soil, water, air, and wildlife habitats. Mitigation involves strict management by well-trained staff, environmentally friendly measures such as mixed species arrangement and seed/seedling quarantine, and limited pesticide use. A detailed analysis of pesticide-related risks is available in the Non-Permanence Risk Report available via the registry link.
What actions would be taken by the project developer if anticipated emissions reductions do not take place, or if carbon removal is reversed in the future?
In the event of a potential reversal, the project's buffer account allocation acts as a safety measure to cover the potential loss of carbon credits. A risk analysis was performed using the VCS AFOLU Non-Permanence Risk Tool (Version 3.3), and a buffer pool determined.
What calculation methods are used to independently reproduce and verify the carbon impact of the project?
Please refer to Section 5.7 in the methodology document.
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Reduce Inequality
Reduce inequality within and among countries
Climate Action
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
Life on Land
Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss

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