Charm Industrial Bio-oil

Putting oil back underground by converting biomass into bio-oil and injecting it deep underground for permanent storage

Charm Industrial has created a novel process for preparing and injecting bio-oil into geologic storage. Bio-oil is produced from biomass and maintains much of the carbon that was captured naturally by the plants. By injecting it into secure geologic storage, they’re making the carbon storage permanent.

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Project location

Technology and mechanism

Storing carbon present in biomass, which is organic material originating from living or recently living organisms.
Permanence: 1000+ years
The durability of this project is extremely high as a result of the technology used. Bio-oil, a carbon-rich liquid, is injected into the same rock formations that have stored crude oil and gas successfully for hundreds of millions of years.

Project certifications

Patch requires all projects on the marketplace to have its methodology, project design, and outcomes verified by an approved third party. For more on our project vetting and onboarding process, review our Trust and Safety Framework.



Registry ID

Crediting period term

Mar 12, 2024 - Mar 12, 2029

Project methodology

Updated Jan 17, 2024
Verified by an Isometric multi-stakeholder working group

Project design document (PDD)

Updated May 30, 2024

Current verifier of project outcomes


Project details

Emissions reduced or carbon removed on an annual basis
50,000 tonnes
How the project approaches risk of reversal
The project is exposed to minimal reversal risk. Based on the present understanding, projects applicable to this protocol are categorized as having a Very Low Risk Level of Reversal according to the Isometric Standard Risk Assessment Questionnaire. For bio-oil stored in salt caverns, it is because salt caverns are impermeable (and thus act like a closed system). There should be no reversals unless there is a loss of cavern or well integrity, and this technology does not yet have a documented history of reversals. A 2% buffer pool will be set aside as a precaution against CO₂ or CH4 gas release or C release during brine displacement. For bio-oil stored in permeable reservoirs, there should be no reversals unless there is a loss of caprock or well integrity, and this technology does not yet have a documented history of reversals. However, there is a risk of methane production within the reservoir. A 5% buffer pool will be set aside as a precaution against CO₂ or CH4 gas released. This reversal risk will be reassessed when new scientific research and understanding arises. Reversals will be accounted for by projects and the Isometric Registry as detailed in Section 5.6 of the Isometric Standard.
What actions would be taken by the project developer if anticipated emissions reductions do not take place, or if carbon removal is reversed in the future?
In the event of a potential reversal, the project's buffer account allocation acts as a safety measure to cover the potential loss of carbon credits. A 2-5% buffer pool according to the Isometric protocol is set aside, depending on where the bio-oil is stored.
What calculation methods are used to independently reproduce and verify the carbon impact of the project?
Please refer to Section 7 in the methodology document.
Citation: Methodology
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