Evergreen REDD+ Forest Protection

Protecting 130,554 hectares of forest area from deforestation in Brazil

This project preserves 130,554.81 hectares of forest in Apuí, Amazonas. As the municipality with the tenth highest deforestation rate in Brazil, it's considered a priority area for forest conservation worldwide.

The project's landowner is bolstering surveillance of the project area, abandoning planned deforestation activities, and implementing policies that provide climate, community, and biodiversity benefits.

Given the deforestation pressures and financial difficulties related to sustainable economic activities in the area, this project prevents probable climate-harming scenarios from coming to pass—notably the sale of farmland to private investors for conversion to pastureland. This, in turn, avoids potential deforestation beyond the Brazilian Forest Code limits and the sale of illegal timber, as well as the implementation of unsustainable cattle ranching operations.

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Project location

Technology and mechanism

Incentivizing communities in developing countries to keep their forests standing and adopt sustainable forest management techniques.
Permanence: 30+ years
The durability of this project is 30 years, based on its crediting period.

Project certifications


Registry ID

Project registration date

Most recent Apr 14, 2022

Crediting period term

Nov 25, 2020 - Nov 24, 2050

Project methodology

Updated Sep 08, 2020
Verified by Aster Global and SCS Global Services

Project design document (PDD)

Updated Apr 11, 2022
Verified by RINA Services S.p.A

Current verifier of project outcomes

Project details

Emissions reduced or carbon removed on an annual basis
1,566,547 tonnes
How the project approaches risk of reversal
The project mitigates reversal risk by providing training to both the local fire brigades plus project neighbors if they are interested. Additionally, the local community will be strategic in monitoring illegal land occupation and potential illegal logging. Those who are interested in being trained and carrying out local monitoring can be included in the project. The project also contributes to a credit buffer pool.
What actions would be taken by the project developer if anticipated emissions reductions do not take place, or if carbon removal is reversed in the future?
In the event of a potential reversal, the project's buffer account allocation acts as a safety measure to cover the potential loss of carbon credits. A risk assessment was performed using the VCS AFOLU Non Permanence Risk Tool. With this tool, a risk buffer of 10% was determined for the project, which will be applied each time credits are issued at verification.
What calculation methods are used to independently reproduce and verify the carbon impact of the project?
Please refer to Section 8.4 in the methodology document.
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
No Poverty
End poverty in all its forms everywhere
Good Health and Well-Being
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Gender Equality
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Climate Action
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
Life on Land
Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss

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